Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sex Scene Two?

Actually, Cade and Piper are crazy for each other and once they start making love, they spend every night with each other...this is the second actual scene, but by now they've done this multiple times.

So that night she brought him dinner. He always cooked and she always heated up something frozen, so that morning she made fried chicken and macaroni salad, two things she could serve cold.
He thanked her by kissing her senseless and having her top off in under thirty seconds after he took their dishes to the kitchen.
She sank to the sofa under his weight, so bubbly happy that she’d pleased him that it took her a second to realize she wasn’t keeping up her end of the sex deal. With a light nudge on his shoulder, she got his attention. Another nudge sent him rolling to the floor.
He landed on the carpet with a laugh. “Really? You wanna do this on the floor?”
Shirtless, she flicked the snap on her jeans and removed them and her perfectly gorgeous red panties, then she straddled him. A few tugs on his shirt pulled it from his jeans and he helpfully whipped it off.
He smiled at her. “You didn’t think this through, did you?”
“It all seemed so sexy in my head.”
This time he moved her off. She sat on the floor while he got rid of his jeans. When he was naked, he knelt behind her and began kissing her neck as his hands reached around and fondled her breasts.
“This wasn’t what I had in mind.”
He pinched her nipples. “You don’t like it.”
“Oh, I like it.”
“Then what?”
“You know how you tell me I’m always supposed to say what I want?”
“Then lie down.”
His smoky laugh filled the living room.
When he didn’t do as she said, she turned and put her hand to his shoulder, knocking him slightly off balance.
With a laugh, he did as she asked and she straddled him again. “Now isn’t this better?”
He laughed. “Seriously, you think all men don’t know why women like to be on top?”
She wiggled against him. “Then you’d think you’d let us be on top more often.” With that she bent and ran her tongue along his collarbone while he grabbed her behind. He squeezed, sending delightful sensations spiraling through her.
Then he moved his fingers to her clit, and she stopped kissing his chest. Her insides shivered. She blinked.
He grinned at her.
She caught his chin and jiggled his face. “Stop that. This is supposed to be my turn.”
“When it comes to sex, it’s supposed to be everybody’s turn.”
With that, he smoothed his fingers along her sensitive nub again, flipped their positions, and rammed into her. Her orgasm was instantaneous, intense. The waves of pleasure seemed to go on and on before he came, too. Then he flipped her again, putting her back on top.
“You were saying.”
She gaped at him. Her mouth open. Her breath steamy puffs.
“Where the hell do you learn things like this?”
He shrugged. “Internet. Books. There are lots of resources if you really want to know something.”
He nipped at her breast, then took a nipple in his mouth and began to suckle. Straddled over him as she was, it suddenly felt very decadent. His hands roamed over every inch of her, and her hands roamed over every inch of him until she was so aroused again that she didn’t want to wait. She levered herself up and slid down on him. He groaned.
But her breath shuddered in and out. He reached up and toyed with her breasts as she rose and glided down, every movement swelling her insides, building a tension that made her shiver. She continued the slow pace, her eyes closed, her breaths just barely sustaining her, until she felt his finger slide down her clit and she gasped. But she didn’t stop and neither did he. The result was an orgasm that rocked her so hard, her mouth opened and the words I love you sprang to her lips. She caught them at the last second. Bit her tongue to keep them from escaping before she collapsed on top of him.
They cuddled a bit, but her near-miss with I love you shook her so much she told him she was tired and quickly dressed. She left his house and ten minutes after that fell to her own bed, furious with herself.
At eight the next morning, she stumbled out of bed still angry with herself. The ease with which she almost said those words brought her up short, but it also put her smack dab against reality. Either she got ahold of herself or she was going to have to break this off. He might be okay with them liking each other, but he would have a fit if she told him she loved him.

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